Environmental Kit, The contribution of the environment in realizing health degrees is essential in addition to community behavior problems, health services and heredity. The environment provides the largest contribution to the emergence of public health problems. Environmental Health is an effort to protect, manage, and modify the environment which is directed towards ecological balance at the increasing level of human welfare.
So the role of sanitarians is needed as the implementer of environmental health observation, environmental health monitoring and community empowerment in the context of improving environmental health in order to improve, protect and enhance clean and healthy ways of living.
To support sanitarians in conducting field checks, environmental checking equipment is needed which is good, portable, complete and easy to use. This checking includes checking the quality of air, water, and food as well as microbiology in it. This equipment is called Kesling Kit or Sanitarian KIT
Environmental Kit is a collection of tools related to Environmental Health which we are more familiar with the term (KESLING KIT) and are usually assembled or packaged in a special bag / suitcase package which aims to support community sanitation inspection activities in the field.
Products assembled / packaged, among others;
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Other Information :
untuk mengecek kesehatan lingkungan kit diperlukan sanitarian kit
Untuk mengecek kesehatan lingkungan lengkap diperlukan kesling kit
untuk pengecek kesehatan makanan diperlukan food security kit
Untuk pengecek kesehatan di air diperlukan water test kit
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*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
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