The DelAgua Bacteriological Kit No.2 is the complete portable water testing laboratory. The kit was designed to be used where laboratory facilities do not exist, but can equally be used in a permanent location. Thermotolerant (faecal) Coliform and Total Coliform counts can be obtained within 16 to 18 hours of sampling, giving a reliable indication of sanitary risk. The DelAgua Bacteriological Test Kit No. 2 also contains a Multiparameter Photometer, a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Conductivity and pH meter and a Turbidity Meter, to further increase the scope of your water testing.
The Dual Incubator comes with a separate battery pack and can test up to 32 samples at once.
Each kit is supplied with a complete pack of consumables for 200 plates. Reagents for the photometer must be purchased separately, and include all the important parameters for water analysis including (but not limited to): Alkalinity, Boron, Fluoride, Iron, Nitrate and Zinc. Please contact us for more information.
Note : Detail Spesifikasi dan harga, mohon untuk dikonfirmasikan ke sales kami.
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