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Beranda » ENVIRONMENT METER » GAS Detector-E6000

GAS Detector-E6000

Kode: EGL-AIR GASD-01 Stok: Tersedia
Berat : 5000 gram
Kondisi : Baru
Dilihat : 2.629 kali
Ulasan : 4 ulasan
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GAS Detector-E6000

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Gas Detector E6000*Harga Hubungi CS
Tersedia / EGL-AIR GASD-01
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Produk Terkait GAS Detector-E6000

Deskripsi GAS Detector-E6000

Bagikan informasi tentang GAS Detector-E6000 kepada teman atau kerabat Anda.

GAS Detector E6000, Merupakan parameter pengukuran kimia udara, dapat mengukur SO2 – NO2 – CO – CO2 – LEL untuk dapat mencegah bencana akibat dari kekurangan oksigen, keracunan gas dan gas yang mudah terbakar.

Penggunaan Gas Detector E6000 ini sangat baik dipergunakan untuk diperalatan Sanitarian Kit atau Kesling Kit, dan sangat mudah dipergunakan oleh tenaga sanitarian di lapangan.

Type              : EGL-AIR GASD-01

(Sanitarian Kit on Facebook)

Note : Detail Spesifikasi dan harga, mohon untuk dikonfirmasikan ke sales kami (CALL/ WA).


—– PT EGL, August 2021—–

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Description dari GAS Detector E6000:

Gas Detector E6000 is a compact and lightweight multi gas detector that continuously measures combustibles, O2, CO, H2S and other toxic gases in ambient air


It can detect at most 6 gases at the same time. Its functional and watertight design (IP 66) incorporates an Bump proof, rubberized housing to meet the toughest requirements of harsh environments.

Features from GAS Detector E6000 :

  • Smart sensor module
  • Detect 6 kinds of gases at the same time.
  • Adjustable calibration point
  • Self protection design for combustible gas sensor
  • Battery low voltage alert function.
  • With real-time clock
  • Interchangeable smart sensor module design
  • Self adjustment design
  • Audible, visual and vibrate alarm signals
  • Data communications function

Gas Detector E6000 is a compact and lightweight multi gas detector that continuously measures combustibles, O2, CO, H2S and other toxic gases in ambient air

It can detect at most 6 gases at the same time. Its functional and watertight design (IP 66) incorporates an Bump proof, rubberized housing to meet the toughest requirements of harsh environments.

Features from GAS Detector E6000:

  • Smart sensor module
  • Detect 6 kinds of gases at the same time.
  • Adjustable calibration point
  • Self protection design for combustible gas sensor
  • Battery low voltage alert function.
  • With real-time clock
  • Interchangeable smart sensor module design
  • Self adjustment design
  • Audible, visual and vibrative alarm signals
  • Data communications function

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